【Organization】UK and Taiwan Drive AI Innovation with £5M Collaborative Investment

17 June 2024

Innovate UK has announced a £5 million investment for the second round of its Collaborative R&D programme with Taiwan's Department of Industry and Technology (DoIT), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). This initiative aims to foster joint innovation between companies and R&D institutes from both the UK and Taiwan. The funding encourages collaborative projects that leverage innovative technologies to drive mutual economic growth.

One notable collaboration highlighted involves UK-based Instill AI and Taiwanese company InfuseAI, focusing on advancing Language Model (LLM) applications. Recognizing the challenges posed by rapid industry evolution and cross-language communication complexities, the partnership addresses issues such as outdated AI training data and domain drift. Their joint efforts aim to enhance non-English LLM applications, thereby improving diversity, reliability, and inclusivity in AI technologies.

Instill AI is also one of the organizations that NTU Office of International Affairs (OIA) collaborates with, facilitating student internships and further bolstering UK-Taiwan relations in technological innovation.

This collaboration not only showcases the potential of UK-Taiwan partnerships in driving AI technology forward but also underscores the significance of international cooperation in tackling global technological challenges.

For more details on this innovative project, visit: Instill AI and InfuseAI Collaboration.

Businesses with innovative plans looking to partner with Taiwanese counterparts can apply for the UK-Taiwan Collaborative R&D 2024 funding until July 17th. Explore more about the programme here: UK-Taiwan Collaborative R&D 2024.

Image: Instill AI
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